Archive for November, 2010

SpotCloud Now A Big Cloud Hosting Aggregator

Tuesday, November 2nd, 2010

SpotCloud is the first commercial Cloud Capacity Clearinghouse and Marketplace for Cloud Computing Infrastructure providers. The platform is an intermediary and acts as a conduit for capacity services offered by a global pool of suppliers. aims to help aggregate available cloud hosting resources. It is the first commercial cloud capacity clearinghouse and marketplace for cloud communications infrastructure providers.

SpotCloud enables the concept of Transient Compute Capacity to address regional spikes in demand such as for content delivery, load balancing and performance optimization / testing. The capacity itself is provided via a global inter-connected pool of regional cloud providers. The strength of the concept is in treating any and all providers as nameless, faceless group of providers of raw localized computing capability. Rather than moving large data workloads (ie. Grid), you instead move smaller locked-down virtual machine based appliances across a federated pool of capacity providers utilizing resources where your customers are located. (edge based computing).

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