According to IT experts, cloud computing is the next best thing since the internet. A few years after the inception of the internet, those experts had also opined that the net was the ultimate compliment to personal computers. As things stand now, breach of security, personal or commercial, is one of the major worries for users of the internet. Nobody is safe on the internet, regardless of the security measures employed and since cloud computing is totally dependant on the internet, the pitfalls inherent to the latter, is also applicable to the former.
Undoubtedly, there are many benefits of internet-based computing, which permits end-users to access costly software and resources through their browser, and use them locally on their personal computer. However, what happens when the server hosting those programs breaks down? Configured properly, the server should seamlessly pass on control to a mirror server hosting the same programs. The bitter truth is that this does not happen all the time.
There are innumerous cases of abandoned time-sensitive, abandoned because the local PC undertaking them could not establish a network connection with the software hosting mainframe. This is just the tip of the iceberg as far as the cons of cloud computing is concerned. If hackers can compromise the airtight security of the servers of leading international corporates, including banks, they can also find their way into the secured mainframes used in cloud computing.
Once they manage to do so, they can easily navigate their way into each node (PC) connected to those mainframes. If any of these personal computers were simultaneously coupled to more than one mainframe, it would provide the hackers an easy path to gain control of the other mainframes too. One can safely conclude that, as of date, cloud computing is akin to a huge terror network… just waiting to explode. You need to have the right systems in place so that these cloud hosting pitfalls don’t crush your system.
Best Cloud Server is here to help you avoid some of the major cloud hosting pitfalls that some people are making. We hope that you enjoy this site and everything it has to offer.