Posts Tagged ‘Cloud Hosting’

Novell Cloud Management

Monday, September 13th, 2010

Novell today announced the availability of Novell Cloud Manager, a new solution that enables customers to create and securely manage a cloud computing environment as a seamless extension of existing data center resources.  The new Novell Cloud Manager is designed for the heterogeneous reality of most IT environments, giving users the freedom and flexibility to create and manage private clouds which support all leading hypervisors, operating systems and hardware platforms.

Novell Cloud Manager lets IT administrators package, price and present IT services on-demand through a customizable interface. Customers can leverage the flexibility and cost savings of cloud computing, without the security and compliance risks inherent in public clouds.

Novell that was conducted by Harris Interactive and sponsored by Novell showed that 89 percent of respondents see private clouds as the next logical stop for organizations already using virtualization and 93 percent feel private cloud platforms should offer a management framework that can span a heterogeneous infrastructure. In addition, 91 percent of survey respondents note concern about the inherent security risks public clouds present.

“Novell Cloud Manager will simplify our IT service provisioning by enabling us to treat our physical resources and virtual infrastructure as a seamless private cloud and gain a much clearer and more granular understanding of our IT use and costs,” said Ryan Klose, chief information officer of Premium Wine Brands for Pernod Ricard. “Working with AkurIT, our Novell business partner, who implemented the virtual infrastructure and Novell Cloud Manager, our BIS Infrastructure team can be more responsive to changing business priorities. Novell Cloud Manager allows us to simplify and automate many of our business processes, accelerate IT service delivery as well as provide visibility and cost transparency to the business. Strategically, this will provide us with a competitive edge.”

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Microsoft Small Business Server 7 Beta Due by September’s End

Wednesday, September 8th, 2010

Microsoft Small Business will release a public beta of its Small Business Server 7 by the end of September, as it works toward a more cloud-centric server portfolio. Cloud server “7” will likely receive a more formal name ahead before it’s official release. Microsoft claims the platform will support up to 75 Client Access Licenses, perform automatic server backups, allow IT administrators to organize and access files from off-premises, and deploy advanced e-mail and document-sharing capabilities.

“We can confirm that SBS 7 will reach public beta by the end of September,” a Microsoft spokesperson e-mailed to eWEEK Sept. 7. More information about the platform can be found here.

“We are going to lead with the cloud,” Microsoft COO Kevin Turner said during a speech at the company’s Financial Analyst Meeting July 29. “Leading with the cloud actually helps better position Microsoft to sell more on-premises products than we ever have before … very strategically it signals a very clear commitment to our customers and to our partners.”

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Computer Server Shot by Drunken Mortgage Worker

Wednesday, August 25th, 2010

shutterstock_18255388.jpgDrunken Utah mortgage company employee in Salt Lake City, Utah fired shots on the mortgage companies computer server last night.  Right after opening fire on the server he called the local police and told officers that someone stole his .45-caliber weapon and shot the server.

Joshua Lee Campbell was charged with a felony for criminal mischief and three misdemeanors:

  1. Carrying a weapon while under the influence.
  2. Lying to police.
  3. Public intoxication.

Investigators said the 23-year-old Salt Lake City man called police on Aug. 12 and claimed a man stole his gun and fired into the $100,000 computer server owned by RANLife Home Loans.  Investigators say they determined Campbell returned to the office late at night after drinking at an evening concert and he shot the server. Police say Campbell told them he was mugged, assaulted and drugged by a mystery man.

I thought this was a very funny story but proves a point that you shouldn’t have your servers laying around the office.  You should switch to the cloud and have your server in a cloud hosting providers facility.  If this Mortgage Company would have followed these instructions, they would still have a server and all the information that they potentially lost.

Thanks to KSL for the news story!

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