Posts Tagged ‘Cloud Hosting’

Foshan Government’s Cloud Computing Center

Monday, July 26th, 2010

CDC Global Services announced today it has entered into an agreement to provide design, implementation and operations services for the Foshan Municipal Cloud Computing Center. This Center provides cloud-based computing resources to the public sector users and businesses in the city of Foshan and the neighboring regions.

The City of Foshan is less than 50 kilometers from Guangzhou, the provincial capital of Guangdong. Foshan is one of the top-10 cities in China, with the highest GDP per capita. It also has a number of highly successful industries in the design and manufacturing of electrical appliances, textiles, garments and ceramics products.

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Cloud Mail To Be Sold To US Gov

Monday, July 26th, 2010

A new craze has opened in the battle between Google Inc. and Microsoft Corp.  The selling of Web-based email and other software to the federal government. The US Gov hopes to cut costs by switching to Web-based software from programs installed on their own computers.

Something funny that I didn’t know is more than 90% of the federal government uses Microsoft Exchange for email, Curt Kolcun, vice president of Microsoft’s public-sector business states.  The cloud is luring Gov agencies because of cost savings.  Hosting your email in the cloud cost far less than hosting on your own desktop machine. The Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Labs earlier this year shifted its 5,000 email accounts to Google Apps, according to a government report in May. And more than 10 other agencies have started pilot programs to test Google Apps, a company spokesman says.

How much could cloud servers help the Federal Gov.  A report by the Obama administration’s chief information officer says the concept could help trim the federal government’s $76 billion annual budget for computer equipment and software.  What could this cloud hosting savings help with?  Helping the US people with this stupid depression that it has going on.  Let’s get out of the current funk we have.  Switch the Federal Gov to email cloud servers and make this work.  Cloud Mail is the way of the future.

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SiteGround Cloud Server Plans

Monday, July 26th, 2010
Web Hosting

SiteGround has been pre-selecting a cloud server company for a long time now awaiting the day to switch to a cloud hosting provider.  Today the company’s chose The Planet Server Cloud as the new standard for its cloud offering.  According to SiteGround, The Planet Server Cloud uses the best cloud hosting virtualization technology on the market to deliver a service with outstanding reliability, redundancy and flexibility, which is suitable for business websites of all sizes.

“We were early beta participants in The Planet’s Server Cloud testing, which provided us with opportunities to offer feedback on the platform,” said Tenko Nikolov, CEO of SiteGround. “Our customers rely on us to provide them with the best options to support their businesses, so we’ve thoroughly evaluated cloud options on the market. We were looking for pricing predictability and ample bandwidth allocations, in a no-surprises package for our customers. The Planet Server Cloud behaves like a dedicated server by guaranteeing our fair share of space, traffic and CPU, at a cheaper cost. It’s great for small and big sites that want to cut costs while at the same time get a reliable service.”

“Server Cloud was expressly designed for our existing customers, with a platform that’s purpose-built for web-based businesses,” said Carl Meadows, senior product manager for Cloud Services with The Planet. “For resellers like SiteGround, their customers operate websites that depend on platform stability. They’ve got to be up and running around the clock, providing the performance guarantees that keep their customers coming back.”

As you may already know, this is a huge step up for SiteGround considering they have always seemed to be in the lower end hosting world.  Switching to the cloud server should help them to save money and be able to scale their new servers to fit a lot more people on them.

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