Cloud Expo 2010 was held at the Javits convention center in NYC earlier this week. The event was attended with vendors and enterprise corporate IT teams coming from around the world to talk about cloud servers, cloud computing, and cloud hosting.
Toll stated” I had great conversations with many corporate IT personnel that were either just starting their cloud research or just wrapping it up and writing recommendations for their path forward. It struck me that there seems to be several categories that predict an enterprises current propensity to move to the cloud.”
He talks all about the rapidly maturing and solidifying cloud space and how it’s going to affect all of us. Cloud servers will make it cheaper for enterprise businesses to go out and get cheaper cloud hosting. This cheap enterprise cloud hosting will help save the earth and save large enterprise business host their websites and not spend as much.
“While the big public clouds – ie. clouds that anyone with a credit card can signup for, have done a wonderful job at demonstrating the power, flexibility and appropriateness of the cloud – these public clouds are not seen as a good home or final resting place for enterprise IT applications” stated Toll about IT cloud infestructure. Later stating “Corporate IT understands the complexity of the cloud service provider’s infrastructure – and is looking for a cloud provider that can guarantee a level of security, reliability and customization that a full managed cloud services environment can provide. A single VM or cloud server is not what corporate IT is looking for.”
Read his Full Cloud Expo Recap Here

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23rd April 2010 at 9:42 pm