As many of you know I am an iPhone nut. I always buy the newest Apple products the day they come out (iPad, iPhone, Magic Mouse, MacBook Pro, etc). That being said, I usually keep up on other product gossip to. It’s just fun for me to do. I found it amazing that AndroLib says there aren’t 100,000 applications available in the Android store. There have, however, 100,000 apps been submitted
to Android Market since its public debut, the site wagered
this morning, up from approximately 5,000 in June 2009.
That’s pretty amazing for a phone that hasn’t been around for very long and has HUGE competitors out there. Last week Google shared in its latest earnings call that more than 70,000 in total in the app store that had been approved and downloaded several million times.
What does this mean for the cloud hosting world? Well, it’s also HUGE. Cloud applications are becoming the new craze. People download more apps then they go to the grocery store. Hosting these applications in a cost saving environment is extreemly important to the thousands of developers out there. I don’t care what platform you are working on. Cloud applications is a big part of the future of phones. Are you on board or not?