Archive for May, 2010

Cloud Linux Releases Server LVE Wrappers

Saturday, May 22nd, 2010

“Cloud Linux Inc., an innovative software company dedicated to serving the needs of hosting service providers, today announces the availability of LVE Wrappers, tools that let the server owner control the exact CPU usage for individual users and applications. LVE Wrappers are based on CloudLinux’s Lightweight Virtual Environment technology that allows the administrator to control CPU usage on a server at the tenant or application level. LVE Wrappers allow the server owner to control resources for each application they run which gives them greater flexibility and stability out of the overall server infrastructure. The software is available to all CloudLinux subscribers.”

“LVE wrappers give system administrators an unprecedented level of control over the resources that services can use, without the overhead of fully blown virtualization. It provides a great level of convenience and control,” said , Cloud Linux Inc. Founder and CEO.

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Microsoft Takes Supercomputing To The Cloud

Saturday, May 22nd, 2010

“Buried beneath the bland verbiage announcing Microsoft’s Technical Computing Initiative on Monday is some really exciting stuff. As Bill Hilf, Redmond’s general manager of technical computing, explained it to me, Microsoft is bringing burst- and cluster-computing capability to its Windows Azure platform. The upshot is that anyone will be able to access HPC in the cloud. HPC stands for High-Performance Computing. That’s the politically correct acronym for what we used to call supercomputing. Microsoft itself has long offered Windows HPC Server as its operating system in support of highly parallel and cluster-computing systems.” Reported Infromation Week.

Trust me that this is indeed powerful stuff. As Hilf told me in a brief interview: “We’ve been doing HPC Server and selling infrastructure and tools into supercomputing, but there’s really a much broader opportunity. What we’re trying to do is democratize supercomputing, to take a capability that’s been available to a fraction of users to the broader scientific computing.”

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SAP Adds Virtualization To Its Cloud Agenda

Friday, May 21st, 2010

SAP announced progress by way of a partnership with the Cisco-EMC-VMware Virtual Computing Environment (VCE) coalition. SAP also announced plans for more Software-as-a-Service applications and a more definitive date for the rerelease of the SMB-focused Business ByDesign ERP suite.

“The results are significant and highly compelling, clearly showing how a private cloud could help us better manage our SAP landscape and contain costs,” said Levi Strauss CIO Tom Peck in a statement issued today by SAP.

Information Week reported “SAP announced today that it is testing app deployments on the VCE coalition’s Vblock virtualization infrastructure. Introduced late last year, Vblock combines computing, network, storage, security, management and virtualization technologies from Cisco, EMC and VMWare. Vblock will help customers deliver shared services through private clouds, according to SAP. SAP customer Levi Strauss has tested enterprise apps running on Vblock in a lab environment, and it declared the pilot project a success.”

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