Archive for August, 2010

Adaptivity Cloud Hosting BluePrint

Saturday, August 14th, 2010

Adaptivity provides integrated solutions that automate IT Delivery optimization across enterprise computing environments. Those behind the company built the largest private cloud while at Wachovia and are today building clouds with Unisys.

Adaptivity sees the Cloud Computing opportunity from a much broader perspective. “IaaS type resources managed externally from the enterprise do provide value; however, the larger opportunity is enabling enterprises to change how they deliver and consume IT resources,” says CEO Tony Bishop in a Q&A with Cloud Computing Journal.

Blueprinting as a Service Solutions for:

  • Cloud Design Accelerator – these solutions enable your company to quickly design and execute turnkey cloud programs while implementing the    practices, disciplines and capabilities needed to sustain it over time.
  • Data Center Design Accelerator – these solutions provide radical consolidation and optimization efficiencies in a fraction of the typical time frame through    the combination of data discovery and intelligent design methods and tools.
  • Application Optimization Accelerator – these solutions leverage best-in-class IT forensic methods and tools to deliver application remediations that    improve business performance without sacrificing IT efficiency or costs.

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BitNami Cloud Hosting Program

Friday, August 13th, 2010

BitNami, the open source cloud hosting provider is rolling out a new cloud hosting package and wants to hand out beta invitations to developers and sysadmins. The new cloud hosting beta program gives users a way to deploy BitNami Stacks, pre-rolled software bundles that include a Web app and all its necessary software on the Amazon EC2 cloud.

BitNami Cloud Hosting simplifies and automates the deployment and management of your applications.  Hosting a stack in the cloud may be preferable for companies that want an easy way to manage Web apps off-premises. BitNami Cloud Hosting lets users manage several servers from one control panel, create automated backups with a one-click restore, and burn a master server image that can be easily duplicated or customized. With Amazon EC2’s pay-as-you-go arrangement, businesses can shut down apps when they’re not in use to save money.

For now, cloud hosting is limited to Amazon EC2, but BitNami expects to add support for other clouds later this year. To snag an invitation to the beta program, sign up at the company’s Web site. If you’re a good fit, they’ll send one your way.

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10Gen Cloud Hosting

Friday, August 13th, 2010

10gen develops and supports MongoDB, the open source, high performance, scalable, document-oriented database.  10gen delivers technical support, professional services, and training for commercial-grade deployments of MongoDB.

Co-founded by Dwight Merriman, who also co-founded DoubleClick and served as its CTO for ten years, 10gen is a commercial entity offering “innovative platform technology” around  the Mongo database – an open source document-oriented database “which makes data storage for web (and other) applications fast and easy.”

Upcoming Events:

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