SAP announced progress by way of a partnership with the Cisco-EMC-VMware Virtual Computing Environment (VCE) coalition. SAP also announced plans for more Software-as-a-Service applications and a more definitive date for the rerelease of the SMB-focused Business ByDesign ERP suite.
“The results are significant and highly compelling, clearly showing how a private cloud could help us better manage our SAP landscape and contain costs,” said Levi Strauss CIO Tom Peck in a statement issued today by SAP.
Information Week reported “SAP announced today that it is testing app deployments on the VCE coalition’s Vblock virtualization infrastructure. Introduced late last year, Vblock combines computing, network, storage, security, management and virtualization technologies from Cisco, EMC and VMWare. Vblock will help customers deliver shared services through private clouds, according to SAP. SAP customer Levi Strauss has tested enterprise apps running on Vblock in a lab environment, and it declared the pilot project a success.”