Cloud Hosting vs Britney Spears


Posted on 21st July 2010 by cloudhostingguy in Cloud Hosting

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I thought this was a pretty funny slide that you would all enjoy about cloud hosting.  It states “Even if Cloud is more popular that Britney Spears… Customers are past the basic “what is it” and want real solutions.”  I thought this was awesome and really shows that people are past the “What is cloud hosting?” and “What is cloud computing?” stage.

Customers really do want real answers to cloud hosting.  They want to know how it can really help them. THEY WANT CLOUD HOSTING SOLUTIONS.  Not just the crap that a lot of people have been shoving down their throat.   How can we help our customers that are intersted in switching to the cloud.

  1. We can design solutions that fit their needs.
  2. Help them with their problems and make their life easier.
  3. Save them REAL money.

Cloud hosting providers need to provide real solutions.  That’s what your customers want. Provide it for them.

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