Posts Tagged ‘cloud’

The Cloud Saves Countless Businesses Time and Resources

Tuesday, April 16th, 2013

There are plenty of reasons to include the cloud into your hosting solution. Take a look at the list of advantages and think “What’s gonna make the greatest difference to my bottom line?”

Cloud Hosting

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You just have to make a choice: what will relieve the most pain in my day-to-day life?

  • On-demand data-processing power?
  • Pay-for-what-you-use billing model?
  • Seamless resource scalability?
  • Fail-proof redundancy features?
  • The latest in hosting tech?
  • Or all of the above?

Once you know what’s going to be the greatest game-changer for your online presence, it’s time to make a switch to a full-fledged cloud solution or to acquire a mixed solution that will capitalize on the benefits of original dedicated hosting while using the elasticity of the cloud.

Thousands of major companies are redesigning their hosting solutions to incorporate the advantages listed above, which are currently the trademark features of the cloud. Don’t be left in the dark ages of hosting. Start saving time and money and call us today to see how NetHosting can reinvent the way you host.

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World Cloud Computing Leaders Announced in BSA Scorecard

Friday, March 8th, 2013

On March 7th, the software alliance group BSA released a scorecard on the world’s top twenty-four countries for cloud hosting. These countries were selected for being the biggest players in the world’s Information Technology market, making up about 80% of the entire market. The 24 countries were graded on their individual commitment to promoting cloud technologies within their own countries and globally.

Among the criteria that contribute to a nation’s overall “cloud climate,” according to the BSA, are: its attitude toward user privacy, free-trade, cybercrime, cybersecurity, and broadband network.

Chris Hopfensperger, who is the technology policy counsel at the BSA, critiqued the progress made since the release of last year’s global cloud-computing scorecard, calling it “patchy” but stating that the BSA remains hopeful that soon enough the good laws will eventually outnumber the bad ones that inhibit the expansion of reliable cloud hosting technologies.

Japan Wins Big in the Cloud Arena

For the 2nd year in a row, Japan has scored the #1 spot, being called the friendliest atmosphere for cloud development and enhancement in the world. The honor is attributed to the country’s dedication to user security and privacy, as well as its unyielding stance against cybercrime. Japan also has a growing rate of broadband acceptance that contributed to its high score.

Coming in at 2nd and 3rd were Australia and the US, respectively, after the US pushed Germany down to 4th from last year. The decision-makers at the BSA owed this ranking change to the fact that US-based cloud providers have made consistent developments in strengthening their cloud computing technologies. At this time, the ranking switch is not owed to new and better policies made by the government.

And the top 5 countries for cloud computing are…

  1. Japan
  2. Australia
  3. United States
  4. Germany
  5. Singapore

Germany’s drop to 4th is blamed on “potentially restrictive privacy laws, protectionist policies,” while Singapore leapt up five slots thanks in part to the release of a recent data privacy law that took effect since the previous scorecard was released in 2012.

The Not-So-Heavy Hitters

The 5 worst countries for cloud hosting providers are:

1. South Africa

2. Indonesia

3. Brazil

4. Thailand

5. Vietnam

The countries that tallied the lowest marks demonstrated a marked lack of anti-cybercrime policies, little to no participation or interest in global standardization of free cloud practices, nonexistent or insufficient free-trade legislation, and incomplete protocols for user and data security and privacy.

Are you looking for a cloud solution? Call us today!

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How To Get The Best Cloud Hosting

Monday, September 10th, 2012

Cloud hosting is one of the modern technologies that has been of great help to businesses. The greatest advantage is that you do not need your own infrastructure since everything is provided for you. It is also good since you only pay for what you use. There are however several factors you should consider before choosing a cloud computing vendor to work with.

You first need to check the product that is being provided. Is it easy to use and does it meet the needs of your business? You also need to check whether the product is going to enable you meet the goals of your business better and more efficiently.

You also need to do a little research on the service provider. You need to know whether they are experienced enough to handle your business affairs. You may also want to know their other clients and whether they are happy with the services. This way you are able to gauge how the company will serve you as a new client.

The other important thing to consider when looking for the best cloud hosting is the availability of the service. You need to know whether it will be available when your business needs it. You do not want to use a service that will end up costing you clients and profits. For you to move to cloud computing you must have been convinced that it will help you perform your business effectively. That is why the service should always be available when you need it. Do not go for products that keep experiencing problems rendering them unavailable.

Another thing that most business owners are wary about is the security of cloud computing. To get the best cloud hosting you need to check the security of the system to ensure that your business is safe. You do not want private company information leaking out and getting into the hands of the wrong people or even worse having customer data in the hands of your competitors. Disclosing customers’ information can also get you into trouble with the law whether it was intentional or not. That is why you should ensure that the cloud computing vendor you hire has very secure systems that will keep you stuff private and secure.

The performance of the system is also critical. You do not want to work with a product that does not improve your efficiency as a business. Most business people would want the cloud hosting to be better than when they are using their data centers. Go for high performing cloud hosting to achieve better business efficiency.

Once you have established that your business really requires cloud hosting then go ahead and get the service. It may not be necessary if all you need is a simple website but if your business has complex requirements this could be the way to go. The above factors are very important since they are an indication of the reliability of the service provider. Get the best out of cloud hosting using the above guidelines.



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