Posts Tagged ‘cloud computing’

What Is Cloud Hosting And How Does It Work?

Monday, April 30th, 2012

For the past few decades, web hosting in the technological world has undergone an enormous evolution to its current state. This has given birth to cloud hosting in the last few years. Cloud hosting has enabled the industry of hosting to boom changing its strategies and focus in technology today.

This has really moved the world to greater heights. Cloud hosting has become very marketable in the world today. It has boosted the availability of the services to many people.Cloud hosting has clearly simplified the lives of many people today.

Definition of cloud hosting:

The term cloud hosting can be referred to as an on-demand service with high-level availability. The provider of cloud hosting uses many servers to form a cluster, many disks, several memories and the CPUs.The cloud hosting provider is thus able to form clouds by using a combination of the items named here.

Cloud hosting is done with a view of using the web server for around an hour. After this time, you pay for it and then you go on with your other business. With cloud hosting, you just pay for the service as you use it and then leave it after. The cloud hosting service provider helps the clients to use a curve and be in a position of paying for it themselves for the duration of time they are engaged with the cloud hosting.

The cloud hosting clients are able to use the service and disconnect as soon as they have used enough.This enables the client to determine the time he is willing to use the cloud and also when he wants to use it. Cloud hosting is a great revolution in the web industry which has marked a great sign in the history of technology.

The Google cloud hosting:

Many people have asked the question of whether the Google application is part of cloud hosting. The answer is no. Google application is part of cloud computing. The Google application is more software than cloud hosting. Many people have confused cloud hosting with cloud computing. It should be known that the two cases are very different.

Cloud computing and cloud hosting. These terms are different and cannot be used interchangeably as many people will put it. There has been a lot of confusion in the world today regarding the different views of the two applications. Cloud hosting is very different from cloud computing.

On demand – what’s the meaning?

When we talk on demand as cloud computing is concerned we mean the following:

On demand simply means having the freedom and capability of going into the control panel and instantly creating a server. The specifications and the process of achieving the goal is also indicated and shown on the server.

There is also the freedom and ability to ease the server if you don’t require or need it. When the server is not being used,it is advisable to remove or delete it as it will attract some charges if you are using it. To stop the bill just keep away and don’t dare use it for any of the processes.

The on demand term also means that there is the ability of upgrading your server to make an addition of the resources. This is a great revolution in the technology industry.

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Web Hosting Companies – New Reasons Why They Are Joining Their Efforts

Friday, November 4th, 2011

These days, the OVA (Open Visualization Alliance) registers more and more members. This alliance represents a consortium that intends to foster the adoption of the open-visualization technologies, such as KVM (Kernel Virtual Machine). Obviously, the companies that join this alliance also focus on web hosting solutions and cloud computing.

The truth is that the KVM technology only exists inside the OVA. This technology ensures some unique benefits that can help any company to build different cloud deployments. For getting the best alternatives, the companies must also consider the freedom and costs, which represent some truly important criteria in choosing a virtual solution. Due to the advantages that come along with KVM, the alliance has gained popularity, which is continuously increasing the number of its participants.

About 50% of the OVA members are interested especially in cloud computing. The key attributes of cloud computing are virtualization, reliability, flexibility and efficiency. Obviously, the cloud computing services must provide their end users all these features. And a truly important thing is that by simply supporting the KVM and virtualization, most cloud computing companies are able to reduce their costs and increase the KVM density, while hardening security and improving performance.

Currently, the popularity of the OVA is growing especially in Latin America and Asia-Pacific area. The reason for this is that these areas are formed from different businesses, which can maintain a fast growing pace. Moreover, these businesses are able to scale all of their operations with small investments. The truth is that the growth of the OVA shows the interest of the individual web hosting companies in getting the new KVM technologies.

Additionally, the KVM has a truly great potential in emerging the markets, which can definitely convince the web hosting companies to join their efforts in order to achieve their common goals.

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Onapp Offers Cloud Computing Software: Version 2.2

Friday, August 12th, 2011

Onapp Cloud Computing Software

One of the leading players in producing cloud computing software is Onapp, who offers quick software solution in no time for the hosts. They offer quick and reliable solutions with respect to reliable virtual machine oriented software with fulltime after and before service support.

Onapp Cloud Computing Software

The recent emergence of version 2.2 by Onapp is a definite cloud management software. The features of this software are assumed to help heavy and extensive service providers and is costly too so it is favorably designed for large enterprises. So it is the target of mass market out there seeking cloud oriented solutions. This version is said to be compatible with virtual technologies. The new version is accessible to the extensive hosting services provider and is launched for installation that may take little time as possible. The previous users of precedent version of Onapp cloud management software will merely need an upgrading of software and just following easy guidance from support team they will enable to get the new version working.

The experts of Onapp assumes to bring affordable yet versatile solutions for cloud computing and bringing simplicity in computing transactions and never ignoring the quality and full functioning aspect in the software that will bring their reputation on stake. They have embedded the feature of auto escalation in the software that is an exceptional feature the experts have claimed. Thus the element of user friendly aspect has been encrypted in the cloud management software version 2.2.

Onapp are proud to earn the market size of more than 500 cloud hosting groups and this feature of its operation has set Onapp apart from its rivals and competitors. The well known features of version 2.2 include:

Auto scalability:

The auto scalability feature has enabled the technical knowhow of auto scale up and auto scale out. These two different dimensions deal with virtual host differently the auto scale in demands for more virtual connected appliances resources mechanically conversely, auto scale out focuses on enabling the virtual machine to fulfill the demand of resources.

Load Balancing Feature:

The load balancing feature has been supported by This feature will help in managing the overloading of clouds cluster in the server and thus retaining the performance of the server. Load balancing allows the modification and upgrading of applications and move around the way they wanted to operate in cloud.

Onapp claims to bring more productive features in cloud computing and seeks the changing trends in hosting market so well know about clients emerging need for a more affordable and safe computing servers.

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