Posts Tagged ‘Microsoft Cloud Services’

Microsoft Cloud Services (MCS)

Friday, July 16th, 2010

Microsoft Cloud Services, also know as MCS is offering the ideal way to move into more of an MSP mode, providing a fuller range of IT outsourcing services and growing recurring revenues accordingly, but without having to stretch too far from their core web hosting product set.

Collaboration Productivity
Microsoft is positioning ‘Application Platforms‘ as the ideal way to package their technologies for rapid business solutions.

Compliant Cloud Storage
However as the Aberdeen reportĀ Securing Unstructured Data (33 page PDF) highlights these tools bring with them increased security risks.

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Microsoft Cloud Services Now Used in Kentucky Schools

Friday, June 4th, 2010

The Kentucky Department of Education is replacing its e-mail servers with a free cloud-based offering from Microsoft. This change to cloud servers will help 700,000+ students, faculty and staff with e-mail and other information-sharing tools. By using a free, cloud-based offering, the state expects to save US$6.3 million in IT-related costs over the next four years.

Each user of Microsoft’s Live@edu will get a 10GB e-mail inbox, along with 25 gigabytes of additional file storage. The service will also include document sharing, instant messaging, video chat and mobile e-mail capabilities. More than 10,000 schools across 130 countries use the Live@edu service, according to Microsoft.

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