Posts Tagged ‘PHPv5 Public Cloud Server’

PHPv5 Public Cloud Server

Monday, September 27th, 2010

Server Intellect announced that PHP v5.3.3 is now a fully supported Framework with Server Intellect Dedicated Servers, Public Cloud and Private Cloud hosting services.  Server Intellect CEO Eric Pratt said, “PHP is a widely used and highly requested language, and we are proud to offer it to our customers in our public cloud. We pride ourselves at Server Intellect for being a leader in the industry, and this offering further establishes that.”

This new PHPv5 is great because it will allow the Server Intellect customers  to host popular PHP applications such as WordPress and Joomla.  It will also utilize different types of database services such as MySQL and Microsoft SQL Server.

For more information about Server Intellect, please visit

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