Posts Tagged ‘Private cloud is not Real’

Private cloud is not Real Cloud says SalesForce CEO

Tuesday, May 25th, 2010

“Beware of the false cloud. The false cloud is not efficient,” said Benioff during his keynote speech at the company’s Cloudforce conference here Tuesday.

Benioff’s statement echoed that recently made by an Amazon Web Services executive, Andy Jassy, who said internal cloud infrastructures do not carry the same value propositions as cloud computing and still require companies to dedicate staff and power costs to maintaining a data center.

Benioff also touched on’s Cloud 2 line of services, which include a Facebook-like social network for enterprise customers it calls Chatter. The interface pulls in data from sources such as Twitter and is aimed at giving customer service and sales reps an interface similar to the social networks they are familiar with.

Not Real Cloud Hosting Story

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