TrackVia, a four-year online supplier of database services, has decided to become a database application development platform. CEO Matt McAdams said Wednesday that his service was expanding into building applications for small and midsize businesses (SMBs) due to the level of supporting services that can be provided today in the cloud.
TrackVia will offer an online application platform with a wizard to import data from and export to Excel spreadsheets and a hosted service for adding data from web-form entries. It will collect data from e-mail and offer an API for users to upload data as a form of self service, according to information posted to TrackVia’s website.
The TrackVia platform will be built atop the open source LAMP stack, with Red Hat Enterprise Linux, the MySQL database, Apache Web server, and Perl language part of its underlying structure. It has built a user interface to the stack and given access control and audit tracking capabilities to the small business user.
McAdams said TrackVia was convinced it could become an application platform after business executives at both Brinks and Honda quickly built needed applications with TrackVia technical support and readily available components that they came up with on their own. “They stood up a business application without involving IT,” noted McAdams. TrackVia added reporting, dashboards, alerting, notification, and analysis and visualization features to the basic database service to build out the platform.